
UPJ Crampus My Style

Changing leaves. It just was the favorite time of year for most, but this brief intermission between Summer and snow is leaving everyone a little uneasy. The leaves have turned from green to reds and yellows, and settled in a light brown pie crust over the grounds. College campuses across the East Coast have undergone similar transformations during the Fall semester. I find myself comparing my old alma mater to my new place of work often. Similar qualities comprise both campuses: a spread of stone buildings, illuminated by soft November sunlight, large shady trees, and sweatpants-donning students as far as the eye can see.

The only difference? It is no longer my haven to enjoy, to take for granted. Now, when I walk the concrete pathways, I don't hear the patter of cheap plastic flip-flops, but the harsh staccato of high heels. I can't mosey from class to class, in fact, "moseying" is explicitly forbidden in my job description.

Where am I? Better yet, WHO am I? Procuring a steady and full time job in my MAJOR no less was supposed to put me on the right track. Instead, it has only made me long for the track I was once on.

But, unfortunately, my tree has shed it's tender, green leaves and replaced them with forever frozen, bare appendages.

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